Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Verdict

So what was the verdict of first day of pre-school?

Arriving at 12:01pm exactly there was only one other child still there besides Leah & Sydney, which I found suprising. Some parents must pick up their kids early.

Leah took one look at me and said "I don't want to go home!" and went back to pushing her doll in the stroller.

The teacher's assistant, Ashleigh said "That's a good sign! But I'm sure Sydney is definately ready to go-- she had a few....moments."

I looked over at Sydney happily making a tower, one of her favorite activities. She seemed fine to me!

Ashleigh continued and said that Leah went to the potty two times, and they changed Sydney's diaper once and that they went outside to play but it was quite hot.

So I gathered up their stuff and they said a chipper good-bye to the teachers and took off. On the way to the car Sydney said "Thomas no share the toys. I no like him." I suppose that's what the "moments" might have been all about. We all went to Chik-fil-A (I love e'm even if they are closed on Sundays) and we all had a nice lunch and they told me what they did as best they could.

It does make me wonder, if the teacher hadn't had Leah there to compare to Sydney's overall behavior, would the report have been different? I hope not. It's inevitable that they'll be compared. I just have to learn to take it with a grain of salt and try to listen for any obvious comparisons that might not be appropraite.

FYI, I'm wiped from the first eight-hour day (in the OFFICE that is) I've had in some time. With a new-business presentation taking up the first 3 hours or so, two client calls in the afternoon and all the other usual stuff thrown in too. I need to recharge! Good thing Labor Day weekend is coming up. No plans-- just the way I like it.

1 comment:

leah said...

Very strange...My maiden name is Leah Shankman and I'm 39 years old. From the blog I'm guessing that Lauren Shankman has a 2 or 3 year old daughter named Leah so is she also "Leah Shankman"? Feel free to email me if you like!