Friday, August 11, 2006

Fight Club

Ok, I just realized like half the names of my posts so far a movies. Not very original.

This is procrastination-- I should be finishing packing for the beach. I ran three hours of errands today ranging from Midtown to Alpharetta and back in the middle again. The girls are thankfully passed out-- that would be their first nap in a week. I think we're down to once a week naps. Perhaps pre-school will change that.

I am at a loss for what to pack for the girls. I know just a few things is enough. And again I am leaving with the mentality that I must bring every food-stuff in the house as if there are no grocery stores on the Panhandle of Florida.

So..... yesterday afternoon was interesting (what I intended to post about). As I may have mentioned Lyle (2o months old) has been coming here two mornings a week during the summer. Lucy and I fondly refer to it as "Camp Lyle." It's worked out pretty well-- it frees up two mornings a week for Lucy until school starts again in the fall. Gives the girls a nice distraction as well. I'm sure it's a lot of work for Barbara as Lyle is an explorer in every sense of the world. My favorite is his t-shirt that says "I do my own stunts." I think that pretty much sums it up!

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The first few weeks were a lot of "mine!" battles with the girls, and also major "snack protection"-- Lyle was not allowed to even LOOK at the ladies' snacks. I suppose that's normal. But they found their groove and things have been plugging along except for those days in the past weeks when Barbara wasn't feeling well and we had to do some last minute cancellations.

Anyway-- I came home yesterday and Barbara mentioned that something had happend RIGHT before Lucy walked in. She stated that Sydney hit Lyle and it left a mark on his face. Understandably Lyle was very upset. Sydney apprently did her best remorseful routine "I sorry, I no hit again, I sorry." So after Barbara left I decided to have a talk with Sydney. As soon as I asked her about it she said that "sissy did it." Then next thing I know Leah is in my face confessing to some sort of altercation over a LEGO of all things and that she hit him with her hand.

Now this does not jive at all. Because the mark on Lyle's face seems to be a bit more severe than what they could have done with their bare hand. Unless of course they have some sort of super powers. And Barbara said it was Sydney, and she knows the difference between them by now. And she also said the fight started with Lyle going up on the bed and them wanting him to get down.

By now I'm very confused.

So I asked again. Now Leah says that she "fought Lyle" on the couch. Then she goes on to say something unintelligible and ends it with "and they all lived happily ever after." Apparently all my questions I directed to her about "then what" made her think I was asking her to tell me a story! I mean, I'm proud of their imaginations but in this case I'd really prefer the TRUTH so that we can deal with the behavior.

Lucy and I talked about it. I have to admit I'm mortified that one of theim smacked him to the point of tears. This makes me feel like one of myy girls (since I still don't know who) is no better than that horrid girl Sheila (28 months old) from the pool. Can't go in to details here but Sheila has seriously beat up on Leah & Sydney, including pulling their hair, scratching and hitting any time she does not get what she wants or when she is trying to get attention. I like to think Shelia is somehow socially stunted and has no language skills and has to resort to hitting to get attention.

Obviously I have a much higher opinion of my kids but this is what flashed in to my head when I heard about it. Nobody prepares you for this stuff! How to handle it? I've apologized to Lucy. Lyle's injuries are not severe. I've talked to Leah & Sydney adnauseum about it. They probably think it's a joke by now because I've asked so many questions.

I suppose this isn't much different than a kid who bites, or when the girls smack/shove eachother in frustration. It's not acceptable, but it happens. They know it's wrong but it must be very frustrating at this age to not always be able to articulate, or even be understood when they do try to say what they want. I've seen Sydney raise a hand at me in frustration. I then see the look of "oh I shouldn't do this" and it stops but the thought has crossed her mind.

Well, that's the end of that tale. Hopefully something I won't have to post about again. Time to pack for real.

Perhahps we'll do some beach blogging if our wireless internet card works.


Anonymous said...

well this is the first chance i have had to leave a comment. I think this is so great. gives me a chance to see what is going on with those beautiful girls and everyone else. cant wait to see you all in October. Hope you got everything packed and are having a great time in Florida.

Lindsay said...

Don't worry; you're doing great! You're teaching them that it's not right to hit, and that's all you can do right now; you can't MAKE them not do it. As they get older, they will learn more crafty, verbal ways to get what they want, and they will outgrow the hitting. Heck, the way I used to beat up on my sister, it's amazing she still talks to me. :)