Thursday, April 30, 2009

Raffi, Blankie and our Happy Interfaith Family

Raffi and Blankie on the Road to Florida, May 2008

Sydney has two very special things in her life: Raffi and Blankie. And in case you're curious, Blankie is a "girl" and apparently also Jewish.

She adopted Blankie as her most "special" thing many years ago (age 2?) which was once a lavender receiving blanket with little bunnies on it. Over the years it's faded and beome extremely thread bare which is part of blankie's allure. See, those frayed edges are her special "tickler" things--- and she self soothes by holding the edges between her thumb and forefinger-- or stroking the loose edges against her face (or yours if she's feeling affectionate).

Raffi was a stuffed animal purchased at Zoo Atlanta by my mom after a visit there 3 years ago. He is THE animal that must be with us at all times.  His fur is matted, eyes, scratched and has quite the floppy neck.

Today Raffi and Blankie took on entirely new personalities as Syndey announced shortly after waking up:  "Blankie is Jewish, and Raffi is Christian."

Scott and I, who were still laying in bed tried very hard not to laugh and simply said "OK."

At that point Blankie attempted to "say the blessings" however apparenly he doesn't know Hebrew so she sang "Shabbat Shalom" instead.

I found the whole thing hysterical and realized that all our open discussions of who-is-what, and who belives what is starting to sink in..... and that they hopefully have a very healthy respect for all people regardless of belief or religious affliation.   Of course they also now think "Irish" is a religion... having a hard time with that one.

Right now they both accept and proudly state that "Mommy is not Jewish.  We are."  And there is no value judgement attached to that declaration.   I hope it always stays that way as they explore their identify and parts of their heritage.  Religious education begins this fall and it will hopefully allow them to get a clearer picture of what they're in for the next 8 years (Bat Mitzvah Age) or the rest of their life if they choose to stay in the faith.

At the same time, I know that exposure to the love and support and values at St. Andrews has helped shape them into the wonderful kids they are today.  They'll likely always be surrounded by more non-Jews that Jews-- that's just how the world works.

But if Raffi and Blankie can get along so well-- can't we all?

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Monday, April 27, 2009

A few pics from this weekend

It was HOT this weekend!  Took a trip to the Inman Park festival..... and it was at least in the mid 80's.  Big crowds + heat meant not much actual shopping.  

Sunday was laid back with yard work and a movie night for the girls while Scott saw "The Boss" in concert again.     I'm a tad jealous but have my Vegas trip coming up in a few weeks so I'll survive!

Sydney is so sensitive and kept crying during "Babe" anytime she thought the poor pig might loose his life (a recurring theme of the film of course).   And as usual- the floodgates opened when the movie was over.  Nothing new here-- this habit goes back about 3 years to the very beginnings of their movie-watching career.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's New........

My last post was more prophetic than I knew. Facebook has become a pretty instantaneous way to share updates in 140 characters, and easily updated mobile photos from my phone.

This combined with no camera since Thanksgiving (blackberry only, and a new cool Flip Video) has made capturing all of our time with the girls difficult.

However, looking ahead I think that this blog will merit more attention, and may even warrant a name change.  

Yes, the girls will be big sisters to ONE baby, some time in early October!    This is going to be quite an adventure.   Really the timing is pretty cool, since they'll be a few months in to kindergarten.  Their reaction was priceless:  shock, excitement, and even some doubt ("you're not joking???") which quickly turned to a practical and nuturing attitude.  I sense they'll be old enough to enjoy this and be helpful at the same time.  They're ready to set up a nursery now!  Hopefully they can wait a few more months before they start redecorating.   

But, really, Scott and I are thrilled.   Amazing how life changes your perspective on what you thought you wanted...... 

So my hopes for this blog moving forward are to get some of our fun videos up here ...... as well as perhaps their thoughts on what it will be like to be "Life with Leah & Sydney and Baby.....".

Here are links to some recent albums

Spring Break
Spring Break 2009

Some Thanksgiving through January

December 2008

Cagle's Dairy, L5P Parade and Halloween

Labor Day Beach Photos (hybrid of Shankmans and Garricks)
Labor Day 2008