Thursday, November 30, 2006

New Pictures!

Here is a new album of pics from trick or treating through our Thanksgiving weekend.

We're now in operation "Prepare for Birthday"-- Diane is on her way here (actually I just heard the car come in the garage!) and looking forward to a fun weekend.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving Leftovers Part II

From Trick or Trea...

It really was a jam packed weekend. I'm not sure if I can even detai it all here, let alone throw in links and photos. So to summarize:

-Friday morning we were off with Poppy Joel to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens to catch the "Niki" exhibit before it closes at the end of the year. Added bonus, the girls got to ride the special Holidaze Train around the Great Lawn. We grabbed lunch @ Rusan's Sushi before going home to crash (all of us).

-That night we had a leftover "party" with Ginny, Ellis and Alison. It was literally a repeat of Thursday with the girls' eating strike (crackers only!). By the time they left it was 10pm and Scott and I took advatage of Joel's built-in-sitter status to go see Casino Royale. It was MUCH better than I had anticipated. We've gotten spoiled having seen three movies in three weeks.

-Saturday morning: thank goodness we had no ballet this week, the break was appreciated by everyone. Instead we slowly got ready and went with Joel and the girls to the recently rennovated playground at Peachtree DeKalb Airport. This place is definately cool for grown ups and kids. The play equipment is cool enough but it also overlooks the runways at what is one of the busiest commuter airports in the country. We all enjoyed sitting outside in the nearly 70 degree weather watching the planes take off. I, of course, was fantizing about being in one of the massive private jets. The airport has a a really cool family-run restaurant onsite, mainly burgers and salads. Perfect lunch spot while visiting the playground.

-Saturday afternoon while the girls napped, Joel and Scott went on a secret birthday present shopping mission for the ladies. By the time they came back it was already time for Joel's return flight to Maryland. Leah & Sydney had a great time with their Poppy--- it's funny ....their favorite game was to pretend to call him on the phone while he was sitting with us! We had to remind them that they can actually call him when he's not here too. :)

-Saturday night was a grown-up evening (for me at least)-- Heather, Susanne, Michelle and I visited Ecco --I really enjoyed it. Not just for the great food but the totally 100% adult atmosphere. Which means, Leah & Sydney got to have a mini-sleepover with Nathan & Brody!

-Sunday (is this weekend over yet???) we had a visit from Joan Pollack and her parents, Shirley and Ippy, old family friends of Scott's grandparents. Joan has visited a few times so the girls were a bit more responsive to her, but I think it was great the Shirley could visit and "report" on what's happening with the ladies.

Oh, and did I mention we're in the midst of getting ready for the girls' THIRD BIRTHDAY party this weekend? Diane flies in Thursday night so that should be great too.

I think by the time the girls' actual birthday rolls around (on the 6th) we might just pass out with sheer exhaustion. But seriously, we're enjoying living each and every day with them to the fullest.

Random: Oh lord, I'm watching Oprah and she is talking with Julia Roberts about twins, who are about to turn two. Oprah says "can you imagine that, having twins who are two??" Um, YES Oprah! As I continue to watch this she is asking Julia all those typical "twin" questions. Bleeech. Ok, enough of that.

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Ok, so this is only post #2 in a month. I know it's bad when the very few people who read this regularly (you know who you are) actually point out the fact that I've been behind.

Since last getting online we were busy preparing for Thanksgiving. This is the 2nd year we've hosted at our house and I think it's become a fun new tradition. The best part-- I really don't have to cook!

The girls and I spent last Wednesday standing in line in the freezing cold to get flu shots. They were certainly the bravest kids there-- they didn't even shed a tear. Quite honestly they were puzzled by those kids who sobbed the entire time in line. By the end they said "Those kids shouldn't cry! It not scary!" Let's hope that attitude holds up through next year, or even until December when they get the second round.

The rest of they day was scrambling to make the house look like 2 toddlers don't live there (ha!) and then the fun part, setting the table, etc. And at least two last minute trips to the grocery store.

Thursday morning we woke up and watched the Macy's parade. Since it is nothing more than a moving commercial, for things like Fisher Price and Barbie it proved to be a major hit with the ladies. Especially since two of their idols, Julie Andrews and kiddie crooner Laurie Berkner were both performers. Oh, Sarah McLachalan too which does not bode well for her career status.

Poppy Joel was our special guest and he arrived around 2pm Thursday just in time to help with a few last minute things. The meal was wonderful, we had a total of 17 folks (counting the triplets, which I do!) and everyone brought fabulous food. Oh, the Foley's stopped by for a post-dessert visit.

The big battle on Thanksgiving Day was the non-stop cracker eating and total rejection of any "real" food. The girls just were not in the mood to deal with the concept of nutrition, especially with so much to do. Dessert incited a near riot as they demanded at least three types of dessert-- and I'm pretty sure we gave in.

I hope everyone had a good time and we can't wait to do it all again-- I mean it!

Monday, November 13, 2006

A Bit Behind

I have no idea how I've gone from Halloween to one week before Thanksgiving with out a single post.

I guess it's that time of year! Trick or treating was a blast-- we hooked up with a bunch of neighbors and it was a bit of a rolling happy hour. The girls ran from one house to the next with the big kids. I will never forget hearing Sydney shout out "Wait up Kayla!" as she sprinted across a lawn. So grown up. Since then it's been two weeks of whining for candy, and often getting it. Today I think I finally saw the bottom of the bucket.

As a testament to how busy we've been I haven't even dumped the photos yet off my camera, and the battery is dead and I haven't even put it in the charger.

Since Halloween we had our last day of Kindermusik and I'll miss the "Our Time" class format with parental participation. Starting in January they'll be with 3-5 year olds in "Imagine That" where the parents come in for the last 10 minutes. The schedule change will also mean a new teacher-- we loved Lisa Nall, she was a fabulous leader, and as it turns out she's a neighbor.

I posted below a funny video clip from nearly two years ago. Whenever it gets close to their birthday (coming up) I get very nostalgic for the "baby" days. Not sure why since they're totally more fun now, than ever. As you can see in this clip they were able to just crack themselves up by, well throwing vegetables on the floor!

I hope that the busy-ness of the next 6 weeks or so don't keep me from trying to take the time to enjoy each and every day with my family and hopefully throwing some thoughts online to share with you all.

Giggles at 1 Year Old