LeahSydney, or SydneyLeah-- that they do everything together and have all the same preferences, wants and needs.
I'd have to say that wasn't true, even from the minute of birth. They were two separate creatures who responded to things differently-- whether it was being held, or how often they ate, or even if they like sitting in a stroller versus being carried in a Bjorn, etc.
And of course developmentally-- it was easy to categorize at one point Leah as the "talker" and Sydney as the "walker." I hesitate to put labels on them since they change so quickly!
Those differences have become even more apparent in this third year of life. I can't begin to point out ever difference but here are just a few for starters.

Leah & Sydney
May 2006
When making PB& J "NO JELLY" for Leah
Sydney must have her "special blanky" to go to sleep
Leah needs "two nuks"
Sydney belives milk must come in a sippy cup, Leah could take it or leave it
Leah is really getting in to potty training
Sydney responds to "you can use the potty" with the stern "I DON'T"
Leah prefers to sing
Sydney prefers to groove
But of course, they are sisters so there are so many games they enjoy together
Baby/momma, crafts, library, school, etc. It's facinating to see who plays what role in each of these games, it's constantly shifting.
Scott and I have both come to realize that one-on-one time is really important for both of them. A lot of acting out/tantrums is often a result of just wanting some attention, even if negative. Sydney really craves these interactions, even more so than Leah it seems and we are trying to make time for both of them to feel "special."
I'll never forget waking up one morning to the argument "My mommy!" "No, MY Mommy!" and it went back and forth until I reassured them I was BOTH their mommies.
Singleton parents just don't know what they're missing ! :)
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