Monday, August 28, 2006

As I predicted....

Although today was NOT the first day of school, they did go for a visit. And as I anticipated, I cried. I was FINE at first. Then they all went outside. Just seeing them try to "find their place" in the playground dynamics was overwhelming to me. It's not like they were excluded, or sad, or anything. It was all my own reaction of anxiety about what COULD happen.

In fact the only time they got upset is when we LEFT and they found out they had to go in the Ford with their "old" car seats, not the Honda with their "big kid" seat belt boosters. Whatev!

Overall it was great. They saw the other kids-- interacted well. Leah told the teacher she needed to go potty and did it, with my assistance. Heck, even Sydney requested a pull-up today when we got dressed (shocking!).

More girls than boys in the class and they are not the oldest, there are 3 other kids older than them which is good in terms of size and potty training, language, etc.

And two Leah's-- Leah S. and Leah J-R. Which will be confusing at first but they'll figure it out.

The teachers are great, but they are trying so hard to get me to pigeonhole the girls personality types, etc. I told them I will not be dressing them in certain colors to "clue" them in... and the question of "who's older" is just stupid. I mean, Sydney was first to the exit. That has NOTHING to do with her personality! I just don't want to give them any bias. Let them develop as it happens.

Oh, and if you notice a LACK of photos it's because our digital camera got fried on the 4th of July and haven't had an opportunity to plunk out the cash for a new one. I may just have to use FILM tomorrow to capture the first day of school!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I almost cried just picturing them on the playground!! I know they will be fine -- it is YOU and Scott who will need the tissues. I'm glad that there are older kids, too, and it sounds like a great mix. Two Leahs, one Sydney; she will get used to being Leah S. I suspect that there will also be more than one Sydney, as they get older, but, of course, in our world THEY are the only ones who REALLY matter. Please try to take a picture, so I can see what they look like. I can't believe they are actually going to "school!" Time goes by way, way too fast. Please pass the kleenex......sniff, sniff!!!