Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dance Class!

For three months every day has involved the question of "today we go to ballet class?" To which I've had to say "no--- in September!"

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Finally-- we started yesterday. At the bottom of this post are are two very brief videos of them walking in to the dance studio and also right after they put on their tap shoes. The parents had to sit in the lobby so we didn't really get to watch. There was a minor incident, Leah and another girl named Sydney (funny) ran in to eachother and Leah has a bit of a shiner under her eye. Nice souvenier.

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I could hear the music and all the fun they were having even though we weren't able to watch. The teacher said after 3 or 4 weeks we won't have to stay. Although they're always going ot need help putting on their tap shoes so I sense we'll be around. It's a good time to catch up on reading I suppose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The girls are absolutely adorable and I LOVE the videos of ballet class!!! They look too, too cute in their leotards and tights, but what else would you expect a proud grandmother to say!!! I can tell that Leah was really getting into it and it looked like Sydney needed some coaxing. I can't wait to go to the recital!

ALL the pictures are terrific -- keep sending them -- it is really wonderful to be able to follow along with all their activities. They are getting so big.........I miss seeing them doing all these things, but your blog is lots of fun and keeps us up to date!