Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday Funny

Sydney looked at me in all honesty tonight and said "Happy Kwaanza, Mommy." I said "huh?" and then they both repeated "Happy Kwaanza Mommy!"

Sydney then proceeded to ask me what exactly Kwaanza was and I think I answered correctly.

Uh, and apparently Nathan and Brody celebrate it? Perhaps one of their parents can confirm or deny this one (I'm going with deny).

Nice to see the multi-cultural love going on in our house. Speaking of-- we desparately need to get our tree together while simultaneously dusting off the menorah. Five days til Hanukkah, 15 til Christmas. EEEK!


Anonymous said...

Not so much.

But they do learn about it at school.

Lauren Shankman said...

I figured as much! Still was funny.