Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Kids are great. Everything, if positioned correctly, can be an adventure

While en route to Holden Beach, NC this Friday night our trusty Ford Explorer decided to start mis-firing. Thankfully Scott heard the noise and then the check engine light started blinking. We were about 30 miles outside Columbia, SC and at least 3 hours from the beach. Of course it was nearing 6pm and we knew repairs shops would be closing soon. After consulting the owner's manual we found out that a blinking light means "get service now-- you're going to melt something." Verizon 411 actually came through for us providing the location of a Goodyear in Lexington, SC (the Columbia 'burbs). I need to write a big thank you to the mechanic who agreed to make our car a priority on a holiday weekend. At this point the girls were hysterical b/c they thought we were NOT going to the beach-- but when we positioned this as a big adventure, that we'd stay in a hotel (Holiday Inn Express, really not so bad!) and walk to a restaurant they were enthralled. This pic was hanging out on the bed before dinner Friday night.

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