Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

The girls MADE me this cake (with a little help from Betty Crocker and GramE)...... and I was quite suprised! It was hysterical because when I walked in they kept going "sssshhhh.............cake!" which, is about as long as a three year old can keep a secret I guess.

It was a great birthday weekend including going out with Scott last night to Shaun's where we totally overdid it but it was all really good (even if we did wait 40 minutes for our table with a reservation). Spent rest of the day just hanging out but went on a mission to scope out bunk beds. It's really time but I do get nervous with them using the top bunk. Leah won't even do it, Sydney is pretty good at it. We took the ladder all over Pier One Kids and let them try climbing up.

Of course, they only liked the "fancy beds"-- especially the one that had a fabric tent on the front that looked like a house. Not sure if we NEED that accessory but it could hide a lot of clutter :)

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