Monday, November 13, 2006

A Bit Behind

I have no idea how I've gone from Halloween to one week before Thanksgiving with out a single post.

I guess it's that time of year! Trick or treating was a blast-- we hooked up with a bunch of neighbors and it was a bit of a rolling happy hour. The girls ran from one house to the next with the big kids. I will never forget hearing Sydney shout out "Wait up Kayla!" as she sprinted across a lawn. So grown up. Since then it's been two weeks of whining for candy, and often getting it. Today I think I finally saw the bottom of the bucket.

As a testament to how busy we've been I haven't even dumped the photos yet off my camera, and the battery is dead and I haven't even put it in the charger.

Since Halloween we had our last day of Kindermusik and I'll miss the "Our Time" class format with parental participation. Starting in January they'll be with 3-5 year olds in "Imagine That" where the parents come in for the last 10 minutes. The schedule change will also mean a new teacher-- we loved Lisa Nall, she was a fabulous leader, and as it turns out she's a neighbor.

I posted below a funny video clip from nearly two years ago. Whenever it gets close to their birthday (coming up) I get very nostalgic for the "baby" days. Not sure why since they're totally more fun now, than ever. As you can see in this clip they were able to just crack themselves up by, well throwing vegetables on the floor!

I hope that the busy-ness of the next 6 weeks or so don't keep me from trying to take the time to enjoy each and every day with my family and hopefully throwing some thoughts online to share with you all.

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