Monday, July 31, 2006

Bye Bye Dee Dee

It's been a few hours but we just got back from dropping off my mother-in-law, Diane, AKA Dee-Dee at the airport.

She flew in Thursday night and stayed through today-- we all had a really good time.

Friday was my day off so we hung out at the pool from about 11am til 2pm. The girls were so content just to hang out in the kiddie pool, so I got to relax a bit in the big pool-- which was a big change.

That night we met Kot and Brody/Nathan for some righteous Vietnamese-- I swear I could eat bun (vermacelli bowls) every day.

Kot and I checked out Scoop Friday night while their boys slept over.... pretty amusing and fun to get out.

Saturday was a do NOTHING day except our friend's informal dinner group. Great cold dinner at Amy's house-- now it's our turn to plan a gathering in August, hopefully at the swim club .

Sunday was a riot, we took the girls and Diane to Stone Mountain Park for the day. I wish I could accurately capture how happy the girls were to ride the duck boats (QUACK) and just hang out. We also rode the train and had a fat-filled Southern style lunch.

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