Life with Leah, Sydney & Jake
A totally random assortment of entries on life in our family--
Monday, July 16, 2012
Greetings from Camp....
(Meanwhile, sweet baby Jake is in a full-time day care and perfect happy).
A few weeks were already on the books: a 3rd return year to Camp Kingfisher at the Chattahoochee Nature Center, a week stay at Girl Scout overnight camp (Camp Meriwether) and our beach vacation.
A few other weeks, I struggled to find something (Memorial Day week and Fourth of July) so I went with Camp GramE and PopPop and am grateful we had the option of family near by.
My goal here on this entirely neglected blog is to capture what camps we registered for, and provide a quick review that is partially mine, and partially filtered by two 8.5 year old girls. There were a few on my radar we did not try out but would like to for 2013.
My main requirements in finding a camp (besides the type of activity offered and the basics such as being safe, well run, etc.) were COST and LOCATION. Next were the HOURS they operated (full day? half day? extended hours?). I also was not interested in any camps that were very religiously affiliated. I am sure there are many amazing church camps but even if my kids weren't Jewish, they're rarely full day or even enough hours to fill in as child care for working parents.
And frankly, Jewish day camps and overnight camps are not cost effective for our family but there are PLENTY of great options out there for people who are looking for that type of thing.
So those were the criteria. I hope to get covered in the next few posts a quick review of each of the camps they've gone to so far and information on like-minded programs and links with information that could be useful in planning for NEXT summer.
As if I can even think about that yet.
We haven't even had our vacation!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Merry Merry!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2010
Making My Lists.... Checking them Twice

I did create a photo book for Jake’s first birthday recently and it came out just amazing. I did the Simple Path with a selection of photos. It would have been totally fool proof except the book came out a tad too long. I had to edit it down a bit and try to stick to a theme (mainly just Jake photos) and ended up with about 33 gorgeous pages. The full bleed photo pages were my favorite ones.
Some of my friends create a new book for every vacation they take and now have a shelf full of custom-memory books. Perhaps that could be a goal for us as well? I do a good job with our online albums but it would be great to have some more tangible keepsakes. Meanwhile, those books or calendars make amazing photo gifts.
Jake also scored a gorgeous birth announcement from Shutterfly. Back when the girls were born in 2003 getting custom-designed card stock announcements or cards was totally cost prohibitive. Those types of photo cards have gotten considerably more affordable.

So perhaps the new New Year’s resolution will be to keep up with my photo projects? Start a year-in-review book early in the year? I really treasure all our family photos – they deserve to be seen off the screen every now and again!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Giving thanks....

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Raffi, Blankie and our Happy Interfaith Family
Sydney has two very special things in her life: Raffi and Blankie. And in case you're curious, Blankie is a "girl" and apparently also Jewish.
She adopted Blankie as her most "special" thing many years ago (age 2?) which was once a lavender receiving blanket with little bunnies on it. Over the years it's faded and beome extremely thread bare which is part of blankie's allure. See, those frayed edges are her special "tickler" things--- and she self soothes by holding the edges between her thumb and forefinger-- or stroking the loose edges against her face (or yours if she's feeling affectionate).
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What's New........
This combined with no camera since Thanksgiving (blackberry only, and a new cool Flip Video) has made capturing all of our time with the girls difficult.
However, looking ahead I think that this blog will merit more attention, and may even warrant a name change.

Yes, the girls will be big sisters to ONE baby, some time in early October! This is going to be quite an adventure. Really the timing is pretty cool, since they'll be a few months in to kindergarten. Their reaction was priceless: shock, excitement, and even some doubt ("you're not joking???") which quickly turned to a practical and nuturing attitude. I sense they'll be old enough to enjoy this and be helpful at the same time. They're ready to set up a nursery now! Hopefully they can wait a few more months before they start redecorating.
Here are links to some recent albums
Spring Break
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Spring Break 2009 |
Some Thanksgiving through January
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December 2008 |
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Cagle's Dairy, L5P Parade and Halloween |
Labor Day Beach Photos (hybrid of Shankmans and Garricks)
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Labor Day 2008 |
Monday, September 08, 2008
This blog is nice but Facebook is more fun
So what have we been up to for the past 9 months? It seems that all of our life cycle events that occured were for the most part captured on the camera.... occassionally posted on Picasa........ and then in between its been "fun with facebook"-- posting stories, pictures, videos, status updates and more.
My friends get it, of course, but I feel bad for family members who used to look here to see what was new with the girls and the rest of us.
I don't think it's possible to make up for lost time but here is a list in NO ORDER of some highlights (and photos too!)
- Our big trip to Disneyworld in December 2007! Highlight of the year!
-A "first"- going camping for one night at Stone Mountain
-Two broken arms, fixed in time for the 4th of July
-Starting pre-K (at the same school)
-Finding more confidence in swimming at the pool with some lessons and as many evening/weekend visits as we could squeeze in
-A fabulous week at the beach with us, GramE, PopPop and Uncle Keith
-First "salon" manicures courtesy of DeeDee
-An unfortunate bout of pneumonia during spring break landing Leah in the hospital for 1 nite bookended by a fun visit to D.C.
-Another sucessful season of Tiny Tykes Soccer, a semester of Kindermusik, and a totally over the top dance recital!
-Visits from Aunt Myra, Uncle Alan, Isaac, Sara, Dee Dee and Poppy Joel
-Too many random colds, sniffles, coughs to mention
-Plenty of fun birthday parties with friends and outings to Zoo Atlanta, Children's Museum, High Museum of Art, and The Braves
So no promises on keeping this thing up to date. It's just too easy when I have facebook open all day! Even if no one ever looks at this blog, I find it's a great way to take a look back at what's been happening, outside the chaos of our day to day.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Leah in the Light
Finally dumping my camera after, oh 3 months-- this one was last week after dinner and the light was just so pretty I couldn't resist. A few more to follow
Monday, March 24, 2008
Egg Dying with GramE
This past thursday pre-easter. Took some convincing that you could EAT the eggs... but now they love em!
Welcome to the Dollhouse
When I was a little girl my Poppy (Lauren Hansen) made me a dollhouse that he created entirely by hand. It was fully lit and lovingly decorated by my mom. It went in to storage sometime in 1987 when my family moved from CT to SC and stayed in a box for the past two decades. Just recently, my mom took the dollhouse on as her new 'project' to bring it in to the next century-- with new furniture and details, updated "people" and a fresh coat of paint. The girls LOVE IT and have named everyone in the family and play for hours on end with this new and improved version. I'm so happy to see them get such joy from one of my most favorite childhood memories.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Hanging out with Sara & Isaac
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Laurie Berkner
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Laurie Berkner Concert |
America's Dorkiest Home Videos
While in their gymnastics attire, Sydney performs a "tap dance" while Leah-- I don't even know WHAT she was doing but watch the left side of the screen.